Thoughts from Jean Vanier

Jean Vanier Some might say that L’Arche is “a haven of peace.” In many respect this is true, as at the core of our communities there is the desire to experience authentic relationships. Experiencing a relationship takes time: time to look into someone’s eyes, to listen to others with all your heart, mind and body. True relationship transcends time, stress and movement and it goes beyond the tyranny of normalcy and things to do. Yes, L’Arche can be a haven of peace where we take the time to eat together and celebrate life. We slow down to the pace of the slowest. We walk slowly together. All that is a marvellous ideal, but then there is the reality! There is housework, cooking, shopping, laundry, rules to follow, reports to write, a short- age of assistants, appointments with doctors and other professionals… and then the occasional fit of anger and conflicts in the home. There are visitors to welcome, neighbours to meet and of course, the ringing phone. In her journal, Etty Hill...