"These are a few of my favourite things"

One morning Peter was listening to a song in his CD player. “That’s a nice song”, I said; and he answered: “Yes. It’s my favourite”. Two days later, when the radio played a Beatles’ song, Peter said: “Oh, do you hear that? It’s my favourite song”. Often, while we are tidying the DVD cupboard, he takes one of them and exclaims: “Look! my favourite movie”. Also different dishes are for him “my favourite food”, and likewise with beer etc. I envy that aspect of Peter’s character: most people have only one favourite song, one favourite movie, one favourite food, one favourite beer… (or else nothing classified as “favourite”); Peter has not only one “favourite” in each category, but many, many of them. A few days before Christmas, Peter received a can of a special beer from his “Christkind” (following the Christmas tradition of giving small presents without revealing your identity). When he unwrapped it, he exclaimed: “Oh, look… I’m happy!” (and he really looked happy!). Here, in “Rai...